Discover places worth going out of your way with Motzi.

Durham, USA
- Branding
- App design
- Mobile development
- Flutter
- Node.js
- Google Cloud
Discover places worth going out of your way for from hospitality industry professionals who really know.
Motzi is a members-only app that helps people who arrange their travel to find the best dining experiences recommended by cooks, bartenders, servers, somms, and other industry professionals. Motzi provides lists, guidance and also personal recommendations through direct interactions with the Collectors who select restaurants for Motzi.

The Challenge
The main challenge for AppTailors was to provide an effective way to present recommendations.
The main challenge for AppTailors was to provide an effective way to present recommendations and enable users to interact with Motzi, both to search for restaurants on their own and to interact with Motzi Collectors to get personalized recommendations based on where they are traveling and other needs. It was also necessary to make the app very easy to use.
AppTailors developed a landing page, mobile app, and backend system to successfully and efficiently connect busy dining experience seekers with knowledgeable local Motzi Collectors.
Once we finished developing the app the rigorous testing stage began. This ensured any present issues and bugs were quickly fixed and the app's user experience was of the highest quality. We then offered ongoing support and maintenance to Motzi to develop new features and updated versions of the app. Motzi is an invite-only premium app, so in order to gain access, make sure you sign up to the waitlist first before downloading the app!
Discover places with Motzi
Motzi is an invite-only app that provides restaurant recommendations by hospitality and adjacent industry people.

Branding & Visual identity
At AppTailors we faced a challenge of creating visual identity for members-only premium app for busy professionals. We had to create strong, clear and simple brand elements.
We decided to use straightforward associations such as knife & fork, which go for dining and strong logo based on the letter M, which stands for Motzi.

The main challenge for AppTailors was to provide an effective way to present recommendations.
Choosing the right typography for mobile app is essential. Our primary focus was given to accessibility and readability of the font on various sizes of mobile screens.
When choosing the colors, we mainly focused on green and dark blue. Green color is often associated with something that is tested and approved. On the other hand, dark blue stands for elegance, power and imagination. Places recommended on Motzi app are recognized and approved by Motzi collectors, and at the same time offer sophisticated courses and dinning experience.

The goal was to create a direct and efficient communication channel between professionals and local experts to create highly personalized experiences.
We started our design process with research and deep understanding of users and competitors. We focused on defining needs of target group, so based on user personas we were able to prepare first sketches, and them move to wireframing and prototyping. Based on approved design we could develop mobile app, backend system and landing page.
Defining the problem
Analyzling potential users
Analyzing competitors
Creating a user persona

Brainstorming ideas
Creating user flows

Creating a styleguide
Designign wireframes


User testing
Busy professionals require simple and easy to navigate flow.
As our target group were busy professionals we had to offer clear and easy user journey map. We worked on seamless experience and easy access to our advanced features including chat with experts and search with many filter options. Moreover, we designed and developed a simple sing-up process, so users can quickly create account and enjoy app features right away.
Having in mind great expansion plans, we prepared a library of components to support and maintain design consistency.
Based on agreed visual identity, branding elements and first designs, we have developed a detailed library of components. It consists of icons, buttons, inputs, logos, colors and repetitive elements. We did so to be able to easily and quickly prepare new screens and support product development in the future.
Style guide
We have prepared style guide with over 100 elements including buttons, inputs, colors, logo, typography and icons.

Motzi offers direct communication between professionals and skilled local experts.
We designed and developed features offering highly personalized recommendation system. Users of the app can build profiles and describe their requirements, so local experts can make tailored and accurate recommendations.

Mobile screens
We have prepared over 50 mobile screens to support seamless experience.
We worked extra hard to keep app simple, easy to navigate and focus on main features while offering tailor-made solution for busy professionals.

The main challenge for AppTailors was to provide an effective way to present recommendations.
Flutter app, backend system and landing pages in record time of 5 months.
We are happy to still support this project and be the part Motzi team. We currently support users across 94 countries and offer more than 40 preselected restaurants.